Language Mozart
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Kari Pahula |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 2 |
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Score: | (3.02 in 111 votes) |
% % By Kari Pahula functor import Application at 'x-oz://system/Application' Open at 'x-oz://system/Open' define Stdout = {New Open.file init(name:stdout)} proc {Bottles N} S in if N \= 1 then S="s" else S=nil end {Stdout write(vs:N#" bottle"#S#" of beer on the wall,\n")} {Stdout write(vs:N#" bottle"#S#" of beer.\n")} end proc {Drink B} case B of X|Xr then {Bottles X} {Stdout write(vs:"Take one down, pass it around,\n\n")} {Drink Xr} [] nil then {Bottles "No more"} {Stdout write(vs:"Go buy more beer!\n")} end end fun {Shelve N} if N > 0 then N|{Shelve N-1} else nil end end {Drink {Shelve 99}} {Application.exit 0} end
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Glen said on 02/20/06 00:31:47
abnormal exit
"Expected 'end' at Line 6 Column 17"
eng said on 12/15/09 23:09:22
Spy sappin mah <dunno what>