Language Paint Shop Pro 8 & X
Date: | 08/13/06 |
Author: | taq Okazaki |
URL: | n/a |
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Score: | (3.02 in 110 votes) |
# Python in disguise. # Creates an graphic image with the lyrics of the song printed on it. # Script created on Paint Shop Pro 8, # works also on Paint Shop Pro X. # # I'm not a Paint Shop Pro expert and my Python knowledge is nil, # so there must be a much better way to do the same thing. from JascApp import * def ScriptProperties(): return { 'Author': u'', 'Copyright': u'', 'Description': u'', 'Host': u'Paint Shop Pro', 'Host Version': u'8.02 ' } def num_str(i): if (i == 0): return u"no more" else: return str(i) def num_str_cap(i): if (i == 0): return u"No more" else: return str(i) def bottle_str(i): if (i == 1): return u" bottle" else: return u" bottles" def action_str(i): if (i == 0): return u"Go to the store and buy some more, " else: return u"Take one down and pass it around, " t = { 'CreateAs': App.Constants.CreateAs.Vector, 'Segments': [{ 'WarpText': App.Constants.Boolean.false, 'Fill': { 'Color': (0,0,0), 'Pattern': None, 'Gradient': None, 'Texture': None, 'Identity': u'Material' }, 'Font': u'Arial', 'LineStyle': { 'Name': u'', 'FirstCap': (u'',0.25,0.25), 'LastCap': (u'',0.25,0.25), 'FirstSegCap': (u'',0.25), 'LastSegCap': (u'',0.25), 'UseSegmentCaps': App.Constants.Boolean.false, 'Segments': [] }, 'PointSize': 12, 'Start': (35.5,107.5), 'Stroke': { 'Color': (255,255,255), 'Pattern': None, 'Gradient': None, 'Texture': None, 'Identity': u'Material' } },{ 'Antialias': App.Constants.Boolean.true, 'WarpText': App.Constants.Boolean.false, 'AutoKern': App.Constants.Boolean.true, 'Bold': App.Constants.Boolean.false, 'Kerning': 0, 'Leading': 0, 'Fill': { 'Color': (0,0,0), 'Pattern': None, 'Gradient': None, 'Texture': None, 'Identity': u'Material' }, 'Font': u'Arial', 'Italic': App.Constants.Boolean.false, 'Join': App.Constants.JointStyle.Miter, 'LineStyle': { 'Name': u'', 'FirstCap': (u'',0.25,0.25), 'LastCap': (u'',0.25,0.25), 'FirstSegCap': (u'',0.25), 'LastSegCap': (u'',0.25), 'UseSegmentCaps': App.Constants.Boolean.false, 'Segments': [] }, 'LineWidth': 0, 'MiterLimit': 10, 'PointSize': 12, 'SetText': App.Constants.Justify.Left, 'Start': (35.5,107.5), 'Strikethru': App.Constants.Boolean.false, 'Stroke': { 'Color': (255,255,255), 'Pattern': None, 'Gradient': None, 'Texture': None, 'Identity': u'Material' }, 'Underline': App.Constants.Boolean.false },{ 'Characters': u'98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer.' }], 'SavedText': None, 'FinalApply': App.Constants.Boolean.false, 'GeneralSettings': { 'ExecutionMode': App.Constants.ExecutionMode.Default, 'AutoActionMode': App.Constants.AutoActionMode.Match } } def Do(Environment): App.Do( Environment, 'NewFile', { 'Width': 640, 'Height': 6000, 'ColorDepth': App.Constants.Colordepth.SixteenMillionColor, 'DimensionUnits': App.Constants.DimensionType.Pixels, 'ResolutionUnits': App.Constants.ResolutionUnits.PixelsPerIn, 'Resolution': 200, 'FillMaterial': { 'Color': (255,255,255), 'Pattern': None, 'Gradient': None, 'Texture': None, 'Identity': u'Material' }, 'Transparent': App.Constants.Boolean.false, 'VectorBackground': App.Constants.Boolean.false, 'GeneralSettings': { 'ExecutionMode': App.Constants.ExecutionMode.Default, 'AutoActionMode': App.Constants.AutoActionMode.Match } }) App.Do( Environment, 'SelectDocument', { 'SelectedImage': 0, 'Strict': App.Constants.Boolean.false, 'GeneralSettings': { 'ExecutionMode': App.Constants.ExecutionMode.Default, 'AutoActionMode': App.Constants.AutoActionMode.Match } }) left = 30 top = 40 ystep = 19 y = top for i in range(99, -1, -1): t['Segments'][0]['Start'] = (left, y) t['Segments'][2]['Characters'] = num_str_cap(i) + bottle_str(i) + u' of beer on the wall, ' \ + num_str(i) + bottle_str(i) + u' of beer.' App.Do(Environment, 'Text', t) y += ystep t['Segments'][0]['Start'] = (left, y) j = i - 1 if (j < 0): j = 99 t['Segments'][2]['Characters'] = action_str(i) \ + num_str(j) + bottle_str(j) + u' of beer on the wall.' App.Do(Environment, 'Text', t) y += ystep * 2 App.Do( Environment, 'LayerConvertToRaster', { 'GeneralSettings': { 'ExecutionMode': App.Constants.ExecutionMode.Default, 'AutoActionMode': App.Constants.AutoActionMode.Match } })
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