Language PascalX
(standard version)
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Philipp Winterberg |
URL: | |
Comments: | 2 |
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Score: | (1.58 in 12 votes) |
{ PascalX [English] version of 99 Bottles of beer (Bottles.pas) } { See for more infos } { Philipp Winterberg, } program Bottles; var b: bigint; a, c: string[20]; begin a:= ' bottle(s) of beer'; c:= ' on the wall'; for b:=99 downto 1 do writeln(b, a, c, ', '+chr(13)+chr(10), b, a, '.'+ chr(13)+chr(10)+'Take one down, pass it around,'+ chr(13)+chr(10),(b-1),a,c,'.'+chr(13)+chr(10)) end.
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Jake said on 10/17/06 03:42:29
Haha! Thats awesome. I'm really new to pascal, and I was wondering if you could give me some tips, like how to define a string width. Email my. Ty, gg, ttyl, Bbq and so on and so forth.
jake said on 10/17/06 03:43:38