Language PIL
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | evil_deceiver |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | (2.00 in 3 votes) |
PIL is the scripting language for the Pirch IRC client. Pirch's website is supposed to be located at , but I haven't been able to connect to it in a while. Seems like the program is no longer maintained. You can probably find information about it at . { 99bb.pil by evil_deceiver [ ] function: sings "99 Bottles of Beer", starting at a user-specified number of bottles, to the channel whose window is active. bugs: won't do much of anything if the active window is a server window. warnings: most networks will disconnect you for flooding like this. make sure your outgoing flood control is set high. to run: load PIL (in Aliases) as "[99bb]", then type "/runscript [99bb]" followed by the number of bottles you want to start with. } btlcount:=$1; command('/me sings... o/`'); command(btlcount,' bottles of beer on the wall'); command(btlcount,' bottles of beer'); command('Take one down, pass it around'); while btlcount>2 do begin btlcount:=btlcount-1; command(btlcount,' bottles of beer on the wall!'); command('o/` ~~ o/` ~~ o/` ~~ o/` ~~ o/`'); command(btlcount,' bottles of beer on the wall'); command(btlcount,' bottles of beer'); command('Take one down, pass it around'); end; btlcount:=btlcount-1; command(btlcount,' bottle of beer on the wall!'); command('o/` ~~ o/` ~~ o/` ~~ o/` ~~ o/`'); command(btlcount,' bottle of beer on the wall'); command(btlcount,' bottle of beer'); command('Take one down, pass it around'); command('You',char(39),'ve finally drunk all the beer on the wall!'); command('/me takes a bow.');
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