Language PL/SQL
(Another take on Oracle's DB language)
Date: | 11/13/09 |
Author: | Tysher |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | (2.50 in 2 votes) |
DECLARE i NUMBER := 100; FUNCTION p(n NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN n=1 THEN 'no more' WHEN n=0 THEN to_char(99) ELSE to_char(n-1) END || ' bottle' || (CASE WHEN n=2 THEN '' ELSE 's' END) || ' of beer'; END p; BEGIN LOOP EXIT WHEN i = 0; dbms_output.put_line(UPPER(substr(p(i),1,1)) || substr(p(i),2) || ' on the wall, ' || p(i) || '.'); i := i-1; dbms_output.put_line(CASE WHEN i=0 THEN 'Go to the store and buy some more, ' ELSE 'Take one down and pass it around, ' END || p(i) || ' on the wall.'); dbms_output.new_line(); END LOOP; END;
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