Language PLT Scheme
(language is used to teach beginners (DE)
Date: | 05/27/09 |
Author: | Thure Dührsen |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 2 |
Info: | |
Score: | (2.98 in 45 votes) |
(define (bottles n) (display (string-append (cond ((= n 0) "No more bottles") ((= n 1) "One bottle") (else (string-append (number->string n) " bottles"))) " of beer"))) (define (beer n) (if (> n 0) (begin (bottles n) (display " on the wall") (newline) (bottles n) (newline) (display "Take one down, pass it around") (newline) (bottles (- n 1)) (display " on the wall") (newline) (newline) (beer (- n 1)) ) null ) ) (beer 99)
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MoonJackie said on 03/15/10 10:18:35
Buildings are not cheap and not everybody can buy it. But, <a href="">home loans</a> are created to aid different people in such hard situations.
barrym said on 07/15/10 05:16:22
The source runs fine, but the output suffers from missing punctuation and
a missing final verse!