Language Sisal
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Pat Miller |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 3 |
Info: | |
Score: | (3.03 in 241 votes) |
% ------------------------------------------------------------ % The classic N bottles of beer problem. The Sisal language % is implicitly parallel and functional. It is not really desigined % for string processing (scientific numeric stuff is more like it!) % The following program will run in parallel on Crays, the % SGI Challenge, the Meiko, etc.... and run just swell on % your average ordinary PC too. More information on the Sisal % language project can be found at % % % % or contact % % Author: Pat Miller ( % % ------------------------------------------------------------ define main type string = array[character]; % ------------------------------------------------------------ % OUCH -- have to really start from scratch % ------------------------------------------------------------ function DigitToChar(d : integer returns character) character(integer('0')+d) end function % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Sisal has no I/O runtime library for strings so we % can build up the ASCII representation a digit at a time % The sign handling is there for completeness and is not needed % to do the BEER problem % ------------------------------------------------------------ function itoa(n : integer returns string) array_setl( let s := for initial x := abs(n); d := array[1: DigitToChar( mod(x,10) )]; while x > 10 repeat x := old x / 10; d := array_addl(old d,DigitToChar(mod(x,10))); returns value of d end for in if n < 0 then array_addl(s,'-') else s end if end let ,1) end function % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Produce one stanza of the 99 bottles of beer song. Some care % is taken to keep it grammatical % ------------------------------------------------------------ function BottlesOfBeer(i : integer returns array[string]) let s,bottles,preface,n,nextbottles := if i = 1 then "1"," bottle","If that bottle","No more"," bottles" elseif i = 2 then itoa(2)," bottles","If one of those bottles",itoa(1)," bottle" else itoa(i)," bottles","If one of those bottles",itoa(i-1)," bottles" end if; in array[1: s || bottles || " of beer on the wall", s || bottles || " of beer!", preface || " should happen to fall... ", n || nextbottles || " of beer on the wall!", "" ] end let end function % ------------------------------------------------------------ % This main loop executes in parallel stuffing the 4 lines % of each stanza into an array holding the whole song % ------------------------------------------------------------ function main(n : integer returns array[string]) for i in 0,n-1 howmany := n-i; stanza := BottlesOfBeer(howmany); returns value of catenate stanza end for || array[1: "Time to buy more beer"] end function
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Dust said on 08/25/05 04:14:54
Very nice language.
Solves the problem Haskell is still trying and failing to...
sisalguy said on 03/22/06 01:59:32
how do you make this loop run to 99 bottles?
Is the logic something like:
while n >0
n bottles of beer on the wall...
Pat said on 10/09/09 02:09:09
To answer sisalguy, the code
for i in 0,n-1
starts an implicitly parallel loop that runs all 99 verses
at the same time and then catenates them together with
the last "no more bottles" line. The nice thing about
the Optimizing Sisal Compiler was that it could preallocate
all the memory and do the parallel build in place.