Language VBScript
(WSH using recursion and Microsoft Agent)
Date: | 03/10/06 |
Author: | Bob Stammers |
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Comments: | 1 |
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Score: | (2.90 in 10 votes) |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <job> <runtime> <description> 99 bottles of beer - VBScript / WSH - recursion / translateable / Agent This script generates the full lyrics of "99 bottles of beer" using recursion with spelt-out numbers, easily translated owing to the use of WSH resources. Activates Microsoft Agent to sing for and amuse us (if available) Languages: EN - native; FR and DE courtesy of BabelFish Bob Stammers - - March 2006 </description> <named name="NUMERIC" helpstring="Show numeric literals (99-2) rather than words" type="simple" required="false" /> <named name="FROM" helpstring="Set the initial number of bottles (0-99)" type="string" required="false" /> <named name="AGENT" helpstring="Activate the named (Merlin) Microsoft Agent, if installed" type="string" required="false" /> <named name="LANG" helpstring="Choose which language strings to use [en]" type="string" required="false" /> <named name="NOAGENT" helpstring="Suppress the agent, just show the lyrics" type="simple" required="false" /> <named name="NOSOUND" helpstring="Suppress any agent sounds" type="simple" required="false" /> </runtime> <resource id="en:First20"> One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,Ten,Eleven, Twelve,Thirteen,Fourteen,Fifteen,Sixteen,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nineteen </resource> <resource id="en:Decades"> Ten,Twenty,Thirty,Forty,Fifty,Sixty,Seventy,Eighty,Ninety </resource> <resource id="en:Line1">%1 of beer on the wall, %2 of beer.</resource> <resource id="en:Line2Last">Go to the store and buy some more, </resource> <resource id="en:Line2Many">Take one down and pass it around, </resource> <resource id="en:Line2End">%1 of beer on the wall.</resource> <resource id="en:NoMore">No more bottles</resource> <resource id="en:OneMore">One bottle</resource> <resource id="en:ManyMore">%1 bottles</resource> <resource id="fr:First20"> Un,Deux,Trois,Quatre,Cinq,Six,Sept,Huit,Neuf,Dix,Onze, Douze,Treize,Quatorze,Quinze,Seize,Dix-sept,Dix-huit,Dix-neuf </resource> <resource id="fr:Decades"> Dix,Vingt,Trente,Quarante,Cinquante,Soixante,Soixante-dix,Quatre-vingts,Quatre-vingt-dix </resource> <resource id="fr:Line1">%1 de biere sur le mur, %2 de biere.</resource> <resource id="fr:Line2Last">Allez au magasin et achetez encore plus, </resource> <resource id="fr:Line2Many">Prenez un vers le bas et passez-l'autour, </resource> <resource id="fr:Line2End">%1 de biere sur le mur.</resource> <resource id="fr:NoMore">Plus de bouteilles</resource> <resource id="fr:OneMore">Une bouteille</resource> <resource id="fr:ManyMore">%1 bouteilles</resource> <resource id="de:First20"> Ein,Zwei,Drei,Vier,Funf,Sechs,Sieben,Acht,Neun,Zehn,Elf, Zwolf,Dreizehn,Vierzehn,Funfzehn,Sechzehn,Siebzehn,Achtzehn,Neunzehn </resource> <resource id="de:Decades"> Zehn,Zwanzig,Dreizig,Vierzig,Funfzig,Sechzig,Siebzig,Achtzig,Neunzig </resource> <resource id="de:Line1">%1 von Bier auf der Wand, %2 von Bier.</resource> <resource id="de:Line2Last">Gehen Sie zum Speicher und kaufen Sie mehr, </resource> <resource id="de:Line2Many">Nehmen Sie ein herunter und fuhren Sie es herum, </resource> <resource id="de:Line2End">%1 von Bier auf der Wand.</resource> <resource id="de:NoMore">Keine mehr Flaschen</resource> <resource id="de:OneMore">Eine Flasche</resource> <resource id="de:ManyMore">%1 Flaschen</resource> <resource id="DefaultLang">en</resource> <resource id="SilentRunning">0</resource> <resource id="DefaultAgent">merlin</resource> <resource id="InterverseAction">GestureUp</resource> <resource id="WordsPerMinute">250</resource> <resource id="JumpAboutInterval">4</resource> <script language="VBScript"> <![CDATA[ OPTION EXPLICIT Const ShowTiming = False Dim First20, Decades, InitialBottles, ShowNumerics Dim objAgent, objMerlin, strAgentName, useAgent Dim strLang Dim SongLyrics, DontEcho Dim SilentRunning, startTime On Error Resume Next startTime = Now() EstablishParams SingVerse(InitialBottles) If useAgent Then objMerlin.Play "Wave" objMerlin.Hide Do While objMerlin.Visible = TRUE Wscript.Sleep 250 Loop If ShowTiming Then WScript.Echo "That took " & FormatDateTime((Now() - startTime),3) ElseIf DontEcho Then WriteShowLyrics End If Sub SingVerse(numBottles) Dim numNext, strNext If useAgent Then If (numBottles > 0) and (numBottles Mod GetResource("JumpAboutInterval") = 0) Then DoJumpAround End If End If If numBottles = 0 Then strNext = strCleanResource("Line2Last") numNext = InitialBottles If useAgent Then objMerlin.Play "Search" End If Else strNext = strCleanResource("Line2Many") numNext = numBottles - 1 End If Sing strSubst(strCleanResource("Line1"),strBottles(numBottles),strBottles(numBottles)) Sing strNext & strSubst(strCleanResource("Line2End"),strBottles(numNext),"") Sing "" if numBottles > 0 Then SingVerse(numNext) End If End Sub Sub Sing(strLyrics) If useAgent Then Do While Not objMerlin.Visible Wscript.Sleep 250 Loop If strLyrics = "" Then objMerlin.Play GetResource("InterverseAction") Exit Sub End If If SilentRunning Then Call objMerlin.Think (strLyrics) Else Call objMerlin.Speak ("\Spd=" & GetResource("WordsPerMinute") & "\" & strLyrics) End If Elseif DontEcho Then SongLyrics = SongLyrics & strLyrics & vbCrLf Else WScript.Echo strLyrics End If End Sub Sub ShowUsage() WScript.Arguments.ShowUsage WScript.Quit End Sub Sub DoJumpAround ' ' This causes the agent to jump around and generally waste time. ' Dim intLeft, intTop, intHeight, intWidth GetScreenSize intHeight, intWidth With objMerlin intHeight = intHeight - .Height intWidth = intWidth - .Width Call .MoveTo(CInt(Rnd * intWidth),CInt(Rnd * intHeight)) End With End Sub Sub GetScreenSize(intHeight,intWidth) Dim strComputer, objWMIService, colItems, objItem strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_DisplayConfiguration") For Each objItem in colItems ' Only one item in collection! intHeight = objItem.PelsHeight intWidth = objItem.PelsWidth Next End Sub Sub WriteShowLyrics ' This writes the lyrics, built up into SongLyrics, to a temporary file ' Fires up Notepad to show them, then kills the file before terminating Const TEMP_FOLDER = 2 Dim WshShell, F, fs, txtfile Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") txtfile = fs.BuildPath(fs.GetSpecialFolder(TEMP_FOLDER),fs.GetTempName()) Set F = fs.CreateTextFile(txtfile, True) F.WriteLine SongLyrics F.Close Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) WshShell.Run "notepad " & txtfile,1,True Set WshShell = Nothing fs.DeleteFile txtfile Set fs = Nothing End Sub Function isConsole Dim x On Error Resume Next err.clear WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines 1 isConsole = (err.number = 0) End Function Sub EstablishParams Dim arg, txt, WshShell ' Load the various string resources strAgentName = GetResource("DefaultAgent") strLang = GetResource("DefaultLang") ' Suppress the noise during testing SilentRunning = (GetResource("SilentRunning") = "1") InitialBottles = 99 ShowNumerics = False useAgent = True Randomize SongLyrics = "" DontEcho = Not isConsole() For Each arg in WScript.Arguments.Named Select Case UCase(arg) Case "NUMERIC" ShowNumerics = True Case "FROM" Err.Clear InitialBottles = CInt(WScript.Arguments.Named("FROM")) If (Err.Number <> 0) Or (InitialBottles < 0) Or (InitialBottles > 99) Then ' Use of recursion makes it unsafe to start much higher than 99 ShowUsage() End If Case "LANG" strLang = WScript.Arguments.Named("LANG") Case "NOAGENT" useAgent = False Case "AGENT" txt = WScript.Arguments.Named("AGENT") If txt <> "" Then strAgentName = txt Else strAgentName = GetResource("DefaultAgent") End If useAgent = True Case "NOSOUND" SilentRunning = True Case Else ShowUsage() End Select Next First20 = arrExtractResource("First20") Decades = arrExtractResource("Decades") If useAgent Then StartupAgent strAgentName End If End Sub Function strCleanResource(strResID) ' ' This returns the language string held in strResID but with all CRs and LFs removed ' (enables pretty formatting in the source) ' This attempts to get the string for the specified language but if not found then 'en' ' Do Err.Clear strCleanResource = Replace(Replace(GetResource(strLang & ":" & strResID),vbCr,""),vbLf,"") If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Do If strLang = "en" Then Exit Do strLang = "en" Loop End Function Function arrExtractResource(strResID) ' ' This returns the clean contents of strResID as an array of elements separated by "," ' arrExtractResource = Split(strCleanResource(strResID),",") End Function Function strNumber(intNumber) Dim intTens, intUnits If ShowNumerics Then strNumber = CStr(intNumber) Exit Function End If intTens = intNumber \ 10 intUnits = intNumber - (intTens * 10) if intTens < 2 Then strNumber = First20(intNumber-1) elseif intUnits > 0 Then strNumber = Decades(intTens-1) & " " & First20(intUnits-1) else strNumber = Decades(intTens-1) end if End Function Function strSubst(strMask,strArg1,strArg2) strSubst = Replace(Replace(strMask,"%1",strArg1),"%2",strArg2) End Function Function strBottles(intNumber) If intNumber = 0 Then strBottles = strCleanResource("NoMore") Elseif intNumber = 1 Then strBottles = strCleanResource("OneMore") Else strBottles = strSubst(strCleanResource("ManyMore"),strNumber(intNumber),"") End If End Function Sub StartupAgent(strAgentName) Dim WshShell, strAgentPath, objRequest Set objAgent = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2") If Not IsObject(objAgent) Then useAgent = False Exit Sub End If Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) strAgentPath = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WinDir%") & "\Msagent\Chars\" & strAgentName & ".acs" Set WshShell = Nothing objAgent.Connected = TRUE objAgent.RaiseRequestErrors = False Err.Clear Set objRequest = objAgent.Characters.Load (strAgentName, strAgentPath) If (Err.Number <> 0) Or (objRequest.Status <> 0) Then WScript.Echo "Agent " & strAgentname & " is not available" & vbCrLf useAgent = False Exit Sub End If Set objMerlin = objAgent.Characters.Character(strAgentName) If IsObject(objMerlin) Then If SilentRunning Then objMerlin.SoundEffectsOn = False End If objMerlin.Show Call objMerlin.Play ("Announce") Else useAgent = False End If End Sub ]]> </script> </job>
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Alternative Versions
Version | Author | Date | Comments | Rate |
correct lyrics version | exec | 07/19/05 | 8 | |
Demonstrates use of "class" | Bruce M. Axtens | 09/29/05 | 0 | |
WSF, Microsoft Agent, EN/FR/DE | Bob Stammers | 06/02/06 | 1 | |
long version | Jonathan Harrison | 05/17/05 | 3 | |
short version | Philipp Winterberg | 04/20/05 | 0 |
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Jim de Graff said on 04/13/09 19:14:08
This is clearly an outstanding example of "every trick in the book" programming. It shows off the expertise of the programmer. It displays his technical knowledge and his awareness of the need (in theory) to provide resources for other (human) languages. Very impressive.
However, as someone who has written and evaluated production code for over thirty years I have to give this code a failing grade. It is clearly too complex for the stated specification. It is virtually unmaintainable except possibly by the author. If the spec were to change, even slightly, it would be far easier to rewrite the code from scratch than to modify and test it.
Again, I applaud the author's expertise, but if I were to see this code in a job interview I would send the author packing. Hopefully, in an interview situation the author would scale back just a tad.