Language XBLite
(A WIN32 version of the xbasic compiler.)
Date: | 10/06/06 |
Author: | Guy Lonne |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 1 |
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Score: | (2.69 in 78 votes) |
' ' #################### ' ##### PROLOG ##### ' #################### ' ' Bottles - would sing all the verses of the song "99 bottles of beer" ' if only it could! ' Guy LONNE, using XBLite ' ' Written in XBLite, a WIN32 version of the xbasic compiler, ' which can be found at: ' - ' - ' Send comments/bug reports to ' ' The following source code is auto-generated by XBLite GDE ' and is released without restrictions. ' PROGRAM "Bottles" VERSION "0.01" ' ' ############################### ' ##### declare functions ##### ' ############################### ' ' XBLite DLL headers ' IMPORT "xst" ' XBLite Standard Library ' ' Win32API DLL headers ' ' ---Note: import gdi32 BEFORE user32 IMPORT "gdi32" ' Graphic Device Interface IMPORT "kernel32" ' operating system IMPORT "user32" ' Windows management ' ' ################################# ' ##### Function prototypes ##### ' ################################# ' ' These are standard functions that belong to all XBLite GUI programs DECLARE FUNCTION Entry () DECLARE FUNCTION InitGui () DECLARE FUNCTION RegisterWinClass (className$, addrCallback, icon$, menu$) DECLARE FUNCTION CreateWindows () DECLARE FUNCTION NewWindow (className$, title$, style, x, y, w, h, _ exStyle) DECLARE FUNCTION NewChild (className$, text$, style, x, y, w, h, parent, _ id, exStyle) DECLARE FUNCTION MessageLoop () DECLARE FUNCTION CleanUp () ' The next function is the callback function for the main ' window. This is where messages are sent when a user ' interacts with the controls in the window DECLARE FUNCTION mainWnd_callback (hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam) ' ' ' ################################################# ' ##### declare and define global constants ##### ' ################################################# ' ' Global Constants which represent control ID's for the "edit" ' control used for the song's display ' (prefix "$$" declares implicitly a global constant) $$textBox_Id = 2421 ' multi-line text edit ' ' ' ###################### ' ##### Entry () ##### ' ###################### ' ' Application start-up entry ' (name imposed: the compiler knows only "Entry ()") ' FUNCTION Entry () STATIC entry IF entry THEN RETURN ' enter once entry = $$TRUE ' enter occured InitGui () ' initialize win32 controls and libraries CreateWindows () ' create windows and other child controls MessageLoop () ' the main message loop CleanUp () ' unregister the window class END FUNCTION ' start GUI FUNCTION InitGui () SHARED hInst ' global variable: current instance handle hInst = GetModuleHandleA (0) ' get current instance handle IFZ hInst THEN QUIT (0) ' error: abend! END FUNCTION ' register the window class FUNCTION RegisterWinClass (className$, addrCallback, icon$, _ menu$) ' ' Returns: ' - an error flag: $$TRUE = error, $$FALSE = OK! SHARED hInst WNDCLASS wc = $$CS_HREDRAW | $$CS_VREDRAW | $$CS_OWNDC wc.lpfnWndProc = addrCallback wc.cbClsExtra = 0 wc.cbWndExtra = 0 wc.hInstance = hInst wc.hIcon = LoadIconA (hInst, &icon$) wc.hCursor = LoadCursorA (0, $$IDC_ARROW) wc.hbrBackground = $$COLOR_BTNFACE + 1 wc.lpszMenuName = &menu$ wc.lpszClassName = &className$ IFZ RegisterClassA (&wc) THEN RETURN $$TRUE ' error END FUNCTION ' create a window FUNCTION NewWindow (className$, title$, style, x, y, w, h, exStyle) ' ' Arguments: ' - className$: window's class ' - text$ : title ' - style : style ' - x : Left ' - y : Top ' - w : Width ' - h : Height ' - exStyle : extended style ' ' Returns: ' - The window's handle if OK!, 0 = error SHARED hInst ' current instance handle RETURN CreateWindowExA (exStyle, &className$, &title$, style, x, y, _ w, h, 0, 0, hInst, 0) END FUNCTION ' create a child window (i.e. a control) FUNCTION NewChild (className$, text$, style, x, y, w, h, parent, id, _ exStyle) ' ' Arguments: ' - className$: window's class ' - text$ : title ' - style : style ' - x : Left ' - y : Top ' - w : Width ' - h : Height ' - exStyle : extended style ' ' Returns: ' - The child window's handle if OK!, 0 = error SHARED hInst ' current instance handle style = style | $$WS_CHILD | $$WS_VISIBLE RETURN CreateWindowExA (exStyle, &className$, &text$, style, x, y, w, _ h, parent, id, hInst, 0) END FUNCTION ' main message loop FUNCTION MessageLoop () ' ' Returns: ' - an error flag: $$TRUE = error, $$FALSE = OK! MSG msg DO ' the message loop ret = GetMessageA (&msg, NULL, 0, 0) ' retrieve next message ' SELECT CASE ret CASE 0 : RETURN $$FALSE ' WM_QUIT message CASE -1 : RETURN $$TRUE ' error CASE ELSE ' deal with window messages hwnd = GetActiveWindow () IF (!IsWindow (hwnd)) || (!IsDialogMessageA (hwnd, &msg)) THEN ' send only non-dialog messages TranslateMessage (&msg) ' translate virtual-key messages DispatchMessageA (&msg) ' send message to callback function END IF END SELECT LOOP ' forever END FUNCTION ' callback function for window mainWnd FUNCTION mainWnd_callback (hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam) ' ' Message handler: all messages pass thru this function. ' (called by Windows' function DispatchMessage) ' ' Returns: ' - the error code of the default window procedure, 0 = OK! SELECT CASE msg CASE $$WM_CLOSE : DestroyWindow (hWnd) CASE $$WM_DESTROY : PostQuitMessage (0) CASE ELSE RETURN DefWindowProcA (hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam) END SELECT RETURN 0 'OK! END FUNCTION ' This function generates the main window and displays it FUNCTION CreateWindows () ' ' Returns: ' - an error flag: $$TRUE = error, $$FALSE = OK! ' ************************************************************** ' ***************** Begin Window Generation ******************** ' ************************************************************** ' register the window class for window: mainWnd ' #mainWnd_class$: global variable that holds the window class ' (prefix "#" declares implicitly a global variable) #mainWnd_class$ = "mainWndClass" addrCallback = &mainWnd_callback () icon$ = "" menu$ = "" IF RegisterWinClass (@#mainWnd_class$, addrCallback, @icon$, _ @menu$) THEN RETURN $$TRUE ' error ' create window title$ = "Song \"99 Bottles of Beer\"" style = $$WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW x = 309 y = 47 w = 508 h = 433 exStyle = 0 ' #mainWnd_handle: global variable that holds the window handle #mainWnd_handle = NewWindow (@#mainWnd_class$, @title$, style, x, _ y, w, h, exStyle) IFZ #mainWnd_handle THEN RETURN $$TRUE nl$ = CHR$ (13) + CHR$ (10) t$ = "" FOR b = 99 TO 3 STEP -1 ' t$ = t$ + STRING$ (b) + " bottles of beer on the wall," t$ = t$ + STR$ (b) + " bottles of beer." + nl$ t$ = t$ + "Take one down and pass it around," b_1 = b - 1 t$ = t$ + STR$ (b_1) + " bottles of beer on the wall." + nl$ + nl$ NEXT b t$ = t$ + "2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer." + nl$ t$ = t$ + "Take one down and pass it around, " t$ = t$ + "1 bottle of beer on the wall." + nl$ + nl$ t$ = t$ + "1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer." + nl$ t$ = t$ + "Take one down and pass it around, " t$ = t$ + "no more bottles of beer on the wall." + nl$ + nl$ t$ = t$ + "No more bottles of beer on the wall, " t$ = t$ + "no more bottles of beer." + nl$ t$ = t$ + "Go to the store and buy some more, " t$ = t$ + "99 bottles of beer on the wall." ' *************** Begin Controls Configuration ************** ' Multiline Edit Control with Vertical Scrollbar style = $$ES_MULTILINE | $$ES_AUTOVSCROLL | $$WS_VSCROLL | $$ES_LEFT | _ $$WS_TABSTOP #txtSong_handle = NewChild ($$EDIT, t$, style, 16, 24, 483, 365, _ #mainWnd_handle, $$textBox_Id, 0) ' **************** End Controls Configuration *************** ' ************************************************************** ' ****************** End Window Generation ********************* ' ************************************************************** ' auto-center main window ' (standard function from Xst.dll) XstCenterWindow (#mainWnd_handle) ' display main window ShowWindow (#mainWnd_handle, $$SW_SHOWNORMAL) RETURN $$FALSE 'OK! END FUNCTION FUNCTION CleanUp () ' #mainWnd_class$: global variable: window class SHARED hInst ' global variable: current instance handle ' unregister the main window UnregisterClassA (&#mainWnd_class$, hInst) END FUNCTION ' ' ' ######################### ' ##### END PROGRAM ##### ' ######################### ' END PROGRAM
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barrym said on 09/19/10 05:41:43
Dang, dude! If this is an example of XBLite, I can't even imagine how massive
an XBRegular or XBDark version would be!!