Language Zonnon
Date: | 08/19/06 |
Author: | Eugene Prokhorov |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 1 |
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Score: | (3.02 in 120 votes) |
(* Zonnon version of 99 Bottles of Beer *) (* Tested on Visual Zonnon 1.00.49 with Visual Studio 2005 *) (* Programmed by Eugene Prokhorov *) module Sing; var i: integer; procedure bottles (n: integer): string; begin if n = 1 then return ' bottle ' else return ' bottles ' end end bottles; procedure verse (n: integer); const S0 = 'Go to the store and buy some more, '; S1 = 'of beer on the wall, '; S2 = 'of beer on the wall.'; S3 = 'of beer.'; S4 = 'Take one down and pass it around, '; begin if n = 0 then write ('No more') else write (n:1) end; write (bottles (n), S1); if n = 0 then write ('no more') else write (n:1) end; writeln (bottles (n), S3); if n = 0 then write (S0, 99:2, bottles (99), S2) elsif n = 1 then writeln (S4, 'no more', bottles (n-1), S2); writeln else writeln (S4, (n-1):1, bottles (n-1), S2); writeln end end verse; begin for i := 99 to 0 by -1 do verse (i) end end Sing.
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Eugene Prokhorov said on 08/19/06 23:38:36
BTW, to use with Visual Studio the module name must be changed from 'Sing' to 'run'.