Language Genero BDL
(Multiplatform & Multidatabase 4gl)
Date: | 01/17/06 |
Author: | Neil Martin |
URL: | n/a |
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Score: | ![]() |
-- Simple Genero BDL program consisting of karaoke.4gl and frm.per -- Based on Johan de Lange program. -- fgl2p karaoke.4gl -- fglform frm.per -- FGLGUI=1;export FGLGUI -- FGLSERVER=`your ip`;export FGLSERVER -- fglrun karaoke.42m -- karaoke.4gl: DEFINE lyrics DYNAMIC ARRAY OF STRING MAIN DEFINE line1,line2 STRING, i SMALLINT OPEN FORM frm FROM "frm" DISPLAY FORM frm FOR i= 99 TO 0 STEP -1 CASE i WHEN 0 LET line1 = "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer." LET line2 = "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall." WHEN 1 LET line1 = "1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer." LET line2 = "Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall." OTHERWISE LET line1 = sfmt("%1 bottles of beer on the wall, %1 bottles of beer.",i) LET line2 = sfmt("Take one down and pass it around, %1 bottle",i-1) IF i != 2 THEN LET line2 = line2.append("s") END IF LET line2 = line2.append(" of beer on the wall.") END CASE LET lyrics[ lyrics.getLength() + 1 ] = line1 LET lyrics[ lyrics.getLength() + 1 ] = line2 END FOR LET i = 1 DISPLAY ARRAY lyrics TO arr.* ATTRIBUTE( COUNT=lyrics.getLength() ) ON IDLE 1 CALL fgl_set_arr_curr(i) LET i = i + 1 END DISPLAY END MAIN -- frm.per: LAYOUT ( TEXT="Karaoke", STYLE="dialog" ) TABLE { Lyrics [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] [f001 ] } END -- TABLE END -- LAYOUT ATTRIBUTES f001 = FORMONLY.lyrics; END INSTRUCTIONS SCREEN RECORD arr ( lyrics ) END
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