Language GPML
(Gnarly Program Markup Language)
Date: | 11/25/05 |
Author: | Ronald S. Brown |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | ![]() |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <!DOCTYPE b-o-w [ <!ELEMENT b-o-w (program-head+,data-declaration+,main+)> <!ELEMENT main (loop*,comment*,set-value*,target-label*,input*,test*,branch*,display*,file-open*,file-close*,file-write*,file-read*,compute*,perform*,print*)> <!ELEMENT program-head (program-name+,program-version+,program-revision-date+,program-author+,program-purpose+)> <!ELEMENT program-name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT program-version (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT program-revision-date (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT program-author (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT program-purpose (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT data-declaration (declare-variables?,declare-strings?,define-array?)> <!ELEMENT declare-variables (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT declare-strings (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT define-array (numeric+ | string+)> <!ELEMENT numeric (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT string (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT loop (loop-count+,loop-stop+,loop-step+,loop-body+)> <!ELEMENT loop-count (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT loop-stop (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT loop-step (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT loop-body (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT comment (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT set-value ((string-name+ | variable-name+),value+)> <!ELEMENT string-name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT variable-name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT target-label (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT input (input-prompt?,(string-name+ | variable-name+))> <!ELEMENT input-prompt (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT test (test-condition+,test-action)> <!ELEMENT test-condition (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT test-data (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT operator (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT compare-to (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT test-action (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT branch (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT compute (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT display ((tab? | loc?),(string-name+ | variable-name+))> <!ELEMENT tab (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT loc (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT perform (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT print (tab?,(string-name+ | variable-name+))> <!ELEMENT file (open+ | close+ | read+ | write+)> <!ELEMENT open (file-name+,file-use+,channel+)> <!ELEMENT file-name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT file-use (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT channel (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT close (channel?)> <!ELEMENT write (channel+,(record-name+ | field-name+))> <!ELEMENT record-name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT field-name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT read (channel+,(record-name+ | field-name+))> ]> <b-o-w> <program-head> <program-name>b-o-w</program-name> <program-version>1.0</program-version> <program-revision-date>11/25/05</program-revision-date> <program-author>Ronald S. Brown</program-author> <program-purpose>This is a GPML version of a program to displays the lyrics to the song "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall".</program-purpose> </program-head> <main> <loop> <loop-count>99</loop-count> <loop-stop>0</loop-stop> <loop-step>-1</loop-step> <loop-body> <test> <test-condition> <test-data>loop-count</test-data> <operator>GT</operator> <compare-to>1</compare-to> </test-condition> <test-action> <display> loop-count; bottles of beer on the wall.<br/> loop-count; bottles of beer.<br/> Take one down and pass it around.<br/> ((loop-count)-1); bottles of beer on the wall.<br/> <br/> </display> </test-action> </test> <test> <test-condition> <test-data>loop-count</test-data> <operator>EQ</operator> <compare-to>1</compare-to> </test-condition> <test-action> <display> 1; bottle of beer on the wall.<br/> 1; bottle of beer.<br/> Take it down and pass it around.<br/> No more bottles of beer on the wall.<br/> <br/> </display> </test-action> </test> <test> <test-condition> <test-data>loop-count</test-data> <operator>LT</operator> <compare-to>1</compare-to> </test-condition> <test-action> <display> No more bottles of beer on the wall.<br/> No more bottles of beer.<br/> Go to the store and buy some more.<br/> 99 bottles of beer on the wall.<br/> <br/> </display> </test-action> </test> </loop-body> </loop> </main> </b-o-w>
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