Language Run BASIC
Date: | 02/05/07 |
Author: | Brent Thorn |
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Comments: | 1 |
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'** 99 Bottles of Beer in Run BASIC '** A Web development tool for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. '** This example dynamically generates a Web page of lyrics. ' Define some constants. q$ = Chr$(34) BeerOnTheWall$ = " of beer on the wall" Beer$ = " of beer!" ' Close the "monospaced" div. Html "</div>"; ' Let the lyrics scroll. Html "<div style=";q$;"border:1px solid; height:25em; padding:.5em; overflow:auto;";q$;">"; ' Generate the lyrics... For bottle = 99 To 1 Step -1 ' start paragraph Html "<p>"; ' line 1 Print Bottles$(bottle) ; BeerOnTheWall$ ; ". " ; Print Bottles$(bottle) ; Beer$ ' line 2 Print "Take one down and pass it around. " ; Print Bottles$(bottle-1) ; BeerOnTheWall$ ; "!" ; ' end paragraph Html "</p>"; Next bottle ' Last lines... Html "<p>"; Print Bottles$(0) ; BeerOnTheWall$ ; ". " ; Print Bottles$(0) ; Beer$ Print "Go to the store and buy some more. " ; Print Bottles$(99) ; BeerOnTheWall$ ; "!" ; Html "</p></div>"; End ' "Bottles$()" takes a number of bottles and ' returns an appropriate description of them. Function Bottles$( Bottles ) Select Case Bottles Case 0: Bottles$ = "No more bottles" Case 1: Bottles$ = "1 bottle" Case Else: Bottles$ = Bottles ; " bottles" End Select End Function
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