Language SAS
(Produces words rather than digits.)
Date: | 01/04/06 |
Author: | Alan D Rudland |
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Comments: | 2 |
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Score: | ![]() |
*** Alan D Rudland - NetDominus 04/01/06 *** : data _null_ ; %let bot = bottle of beer ; %let bots = bottles of beer ; %let wall = on the wall ; do i = 99 to 1 by -1 ; format i j words13. ; j = i - 1 ; i_word = upcase(substr(put(i,words13.),1,1)) !! substr(put(i,words13.),2) ; if i = 1 then put i_word "&bot &wall, " i "&bot.." ; else put i_word "&bots &wall, " i "bots.." ; put 'Take one down, pass it around, ' @ ; if j>= 2 then put j "&bots &wall.." ; else if j = 1 then put j "&bot &wall.." ; else if j = 0 then do ; put "no more &bots &wall.." ; put ; put "No more &bots &wall.. " @ ; put "no more &bots.." ; put 'Go to the store, buy some more...' @ ; *** Uncommenting the lines below will create a continuous loop *** ; *** i = 99 ; *** put i "&bots &wall.." ; end ; put ; end ; run ;
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