Language Scala
(Animated version)
Date: | 10/02/09 |
Author: | D Mackenzie |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | ![]() |
import java.awt.{Font, Color, Dimension, Graphics, List => _} import javax.swing.{JPanel, JFrame, SwingUtilities} import java.util.{Timer, TimerTask} object NinetynineBottles { abstract class DrawnThing {def draw(gc: Graphics)} class Bottle(var x: Int, var y: Int) extends DrawnThing { private val r = new java.util.Random() def draw(gc: Graphics) { gc.setColor(new Color(80,40,20)) gc.fillRoundRect(x - 12,y - 30,24,60,15,15); gc.fillRoundRect(x - 5,y - 50,10,40,5,5) gc.setColor(new Color(0,0,255)); gc.fillRect(x - 6,y - 20,16,28) } def move(doff: Int) {x = 1160 + (r.nextInt(400) - 200); y = 470 + doff / 2} def move(p: (Int, Int)) {x = p._1; y = p._2} } object Wall extends DrawnThing { def draw(gc: Graphics) { gc.setColor(new Color(230,120,90)); gc.fillRect(0,300,900,300) gc.setColor(new Color(160,160,160)); gc.setClip(0,300,900,300) for (h <- -20 to 900 by 36; v <- 300 to 600 by 19; o = v % 2 * 18) gc.drawRect(h + o,v,32,16) gc.setClip(0,0,1400,600) } } object Lyrics extends DrawnThing { val f1 = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 20) def lyric = { def qty(n:Int) = (n match {case 0 => "no more bottles" case 1 => "1 bottle" case n => n + " bottles"}) + " of beer" qty(bc).capitalize + " on the wall, " + qty(bc) + "." + (if (bc > 0) "\nTake one down and pass it around, \n" + qty(bc - 1) + " on the wall.\n" else "\nGo to the store and buy some more, \n" + qty(99) + " on the wall.") } def draw(gc: Graphics) { gc.setColor(new Color(100 + bc,200,100 + bc)); gc.fillOval(850,30,550,200) gc.fillPolygon(Array(900,940,1020),Array(320,150,180),3) gc.setColor(new Color(255,0,0)); gc.setFont(f1) List.fromString(lyric, '\n').foldLeft(0){(d,l:String) => gc.drawString(l,900,120 + d); d + 20} } } private var bc = 99 val timer = new Timer() val bottles = (for {bi <- 0 until bc (x,y) = stacker(bi,34,0,0)} yield new Bottle(x,y)).toList val things = Wall :: bottles ::: List(Lyrics) val top = new JFrame { setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1400,600)) setTitle("99 Bottles of Beer") getContentPane.add(new JPanel{ override def paintComponent(gc: Graphics) {things.foreach(_.draw(gc))}}) } def stacker(ind: Int, lrc: Int, lri: Int, rh: Int):(Int, Int) = { if ((ind - lri) < lrc) (25 + rh * 12 + 25 * (ind - lri),270 - rh * 78) else stacker(ind,lrc - 1,lri + lrc,rh + 1) } def main(args: Array[String]) { def moveEmpties {bottles.drop(bc).head.move(bc)} def swingRequest(req: => Unit) {SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable{def run{req}})} swingRequest{top.pack(); top.setVisible(true)} timer.schedule(new TimerTask{ def run { if (bc > 0) {bc -= 1; moveEmpties; swingRequest{top.repaint()}} else { bottles.foldLeft(0){(d, b) => b move stacker(d,34,0,0); d+1} Thread.sleep(4000); swingRequest{top.repaint()}; timer.cancel() }}}, 2000, 1500) } }
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Alternative Versions
Version | Author | Date | Comments | Rate |
Scala with a vengeance | Eduardo Costa | 09/16/09 | 0 | ![]() ![]() |
Fun semi-DSL readable version | Calum Leslie | 01/31/08 | 0 | ![]() ![]() |
GrabbaBeer & CaseOfBeers | D Mackenzie | 05/30/09 | 0 | ![]() ![]() |
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