Language SCL
(System Control Language (ICL VME)
Date: | 08/24/05 |
Author: | Steve Hammond |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 8 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | ![]() |
@ SCL is the system control language used on ICL (now Fujitsu) mainframes @ running the VME2900 operating system. @ @ It was originally intended to be used to perform batch flow control @ (assigning files etc) but was extended and made compilable to be able @ to perform complex mathematics. @ @ August 2005 @ Steve Hammond @ PROC BOTTLES IS (@ no parameters required @) PROCBEGIN INT I_COUNT FOR I_COUNT FROM 99 TO 1 BY -1 DO SYSCALL SEND_MESSAGE ( MESSAGE = NUMERIC(I_COUNT) + " bottles of beer on the wall" + HEX(15) + @ line feed @ NUMERIC(I_COUNT) + " bottles of beer." ) REPEAT PROCEND
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Ebrahim (Ebe) Kariel
im new to SCL and wanted to know much abt it. Can anyone of you let me know where can i get the relavent information abt SCL for me to get started on it. Any useful information will be really helpful.
Run VME on your PC? absolutely!! I'm not sure how to contact you though - perhaps you'd be kind enough to make the first move? jeremy (at) skyrme (dot) net
reveals that it is printing a ridiculous subset of the song
lyrics. Would someone who knows SCL fix it for the rest of
us, please? Thank you.
I'll submit a quick fix so at least it displays the correct lyrics.
If I've got time, I'll do another version showing more features of SCL.