Language SenseTalk
Date: | 05/31/08 |
Author: | Doug Simons |
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NinetyNine Bottles Of Beer on theWall ninetyNine bottles of beer, take "one down and pass it around, " ninetyEight bottles of beer end on theWall to handle ninetyNine libations, pouring global beer if the bottles of beer are empty then set the bottles of beer to be ninety plus nine put one into my drink theWall friend, yes, the bottles of beer are there else if libations are flowing then drinkUp my hearties else shout the cheer of bottles of beer end if end ninetyNine to handle ninetyEight rounds if global happiness is achieved then return smiling ninetyNine flowing, faces are glowing if the number of items in the callStack \ is greater than four times my drink then return my beer repeat while global happiness is not achieved theWall again, theWall end repeat end ninetyEight to take One, from global beer if bottles of beer are "no more" then write "Go to the store and buy some more, " put ninety-nine into bottles of beer set global happiness to achieved ninetyNine flowing, again, people are happy else write "Take" && one subtract my drink from bottles of beer if bottles of beer is less than my drink then set the bottles of beer to be "all gone" end if end take to shout HURRAH put capitalized of hurrah & " on the wall, " & HURRAH & "." end shout to cheer beer put " bottle of beer" into bottles try to put (if beer is more than one then "s" else empty) \ after the first word in bottles start using me if beer is "all gone" then put "no more" into beer get beer else get the joy of beer end if put it into glass return glass & bottles end cheer to drinkUp beer if bottles of global beer is my drink then put bottle into bottles write the joy of bottles of global beer && bottles && "of " put "beer on the wall!",, end drinkUp to handle joy of beer if beer is "all gone" then return "no more" set wine to nine set my hopes to the taste of beer set my dreams to beer's foam if my hopes are empty then if beer is greater than wine then set my dreams to the gusto of beer else get the fruit of my vine else if my dreams are not empty then put my doubts after my hopes end if return all of my hopes & all of my dreams end joy to taste beer return item ten minus beer div ten of ("ninety", "eighty", \ "seventy", "sixty", "fifty", "forty", "thirty", "twenty") end taste to handle foam top return item ten minus top rem ten of ("nine", "eight", \ "seven", "six", "five", "four", "three", "two", "one") end foam to handle gusto now if now is less than twenty then return item twenty minus now of ("nineteen", \ "eighteen","seventeen", "sixteen", "fifteen", \ "fourteen", "thirteen", "twelve", "eleven", "ten") end gusto to handle all smiles return smiles end all properties doubts: "-" end properties
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