Language Uniface
(4 GL language from Compuware)
Date: | 11/07/05 |
Author: | Thomas Bieligk |
URL: | n/a |
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; 99 bottles of beer, using Uniface 7 ; Uniface is a 4GL development environment from Compuware ; ; Technical Info: ; Only the <EXEC>-Trigger is shown. ; One Non-Database/Non-modell entity "roundofbeer" ; with one editbox "msg" (Interface C80 / Syntax NED,NPR) painted. ; variables numeric numberOfBottles endvariables numberOfBottles = 99 repeat call take_bottle(numberOfBottles) numberOfBottles = numberOfBottles - 1 until (numberOfBottles < 0) setocc "roundofbeer", 1 ; Go to top. display ; Display result on screen. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- entry take_bottle params numeric bottles: IN endparams variables string line endvariables selectcase (bottles) case 0 line = "No more bottles can be found." case 1 line = "One bottle of beer on the wall. Take it down, pass it around." elsecase line = "%%bottles%%% bottles of beer on the wall. Take one down, pass it around." endselectcase if (! $empty(roundofbeer)) creocc "roundofbeer", -1 ; Create new line msg.roundofbeer = line end; take_bottle
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