Language Delphi
(OO Simple version (not using Interfaces)
Date: | 09/04/05 |
Author: | Luis Carlos F. Dias |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | (2.14 in 7 votes) |
//------------------ File Singers.pas ------------------ unit Singers; interface uses SysUtils ; type TAbstractSinger = class private FLine: String ; FCanSing: boolean ; function GetLine: String ; virtual ; procedure SetLine(aLine: String) ; virtual ; public property CanSing: boolean read FCanSing write FCanSing ; property Line: String read GetLine write SetLine ; function Sing: String ; virtual ; abstract ; end ; TBottlesSinger = class(TAbstractSinger) private FCounter: integer ; function EvalS: String ; procedure SetCounter(aValue: integer) ; procedure PrepareLine ; property Counter: integer read FCounter write SetCounter; public constructor Create ; function Sing: String ; override ; end ; const CRLF: String = '' + #13#10 ; implementation { TAbstractSinger } function TAbstractSinger.GetLine: String; begin result := FLine ; end; procedure TAbstractSinger.SetLine(aLine: String); begin FLine := aLine ; end; { TBottlesSinger } constructor TBottlesSinger.Create; begin inherited; FCounter := 99 ; CanSing := true ; end; function TBottlesSinger.EvalS: String; var res : string ; begin res := 's' ; if Counter = 1 then res := '' ; result := res ; end; procedure TBottlesSinger.PrepareLine; var lineForOne, lineForMore, lineForNone: String ; begin lineForMore := inttostr(Counter) + ' bottles of beer on the wall, ' + inttostr(Counter) + ' bottles of beer.' + CRLF + 'Take one down and pass it around, ' + inttostr(Counter-1) + ' bottle' + EvalS + ' of beer on the wall.' + CRLF ; lineForOne := '1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.' + CRLF + 'Take one down and pass it around,' + ' no more bottles of beer on the wall.' + CRLF ; lineForNone := 'No more bottle of beer on the wall,' + ' no more bottles of beer.' + CRLF + 'Go to the store and buy some more,' + ' 99 bottles of beer on the wall.' + CRLF ; case Counter of 1 : begin Line := lineForOne ; Counter := Counter-1 ; end ; 0 : begin Line := lineForNone ; Counter := 99 ; CanSing := false ; end ; else begin Line := lineForMore ; Counter := Counter-1 ; end ; end ; {case} end; procedure TBottlesSinger.SetCounter(aValue: integer); begin FCounter := aValue ; end; function TBottlesSinger.Sing: String; begin PrepareLine ; result := Line ; end; end. // end of file Singers.pas //--------------- File Bottles.dpr ---------------------- program Bottles; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Singers in 'Singers.pas'; var Singer: TAbstractSinger ; begin Singer := TBottlesSinger.Create ; While Singer.CanSing do WriteLn(Singer.Sing) ; FreeAndNil(Singer) ; end. // end of file Bottles.dpr
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Alternative Versions
Version | Author | Date | Comments | Rate |
OO version - Delphi 7 | Luis Carlos F. Dias | 09/10/05 | 9 | |
Recursive version | Juan Carlos Molinos | 01/12/06 | 2 | |
standard version | Anonymous | 04/20/05 | 4 | |
NonVCL version | Philipp Winterberg | 04/20/05 | 0 | |
OO version (with interface) | Luis Carlos F. Dias | 09/05/05 | 0 |
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