Language Delphi
(OO version - Delphi 7)
Date: | 09/10/05 |
Author: | Luis Carlos F. Dias |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 9 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | (3.01 in 215 votes) |
// ---- file Singers.pas ---- unit Singers; interface uses SysUtils ; type ISinger = interface(IUnknown) function Sing: String ; function CanSing: boolean ; end ; TAbstractSinger = class(TInterfacedObject,ISinger) private FLine: String ; FCanSing: boolean ; function GetLine: String ; virtual ; procedure SetLine(aLine: String) ; virtual ; public function CanSing: boolean ; virtual ; property Line: String read GetLine write SetLine ; function Sing: String ; virtual ; abstract ; end ; TBottlesSinger = class(TAbstractSinger) private FCounter: integer ; function EvalS: String ; procedure SetCounter(aValue: integer) ; procedure PrepareLine ; property Counter: integer read FCounter write SetCounter ; public constructor Create ; function Sing: String ; override ; end ; const CRLF: String = '' + #13#10 ; implementation { TAbstractSinger } function TAbstractSinger.CanSing: boolean; begin result := FCanSing ; end; function TAbstractSinger.GetLine: String; begin result := FLine ; end; procedure TAbstractSinger.SetLine(aLine: String); begin FLine := aLine ; end; { TBottlesSinger } constructor TBottlesSinger.Create; begin inherited; FCounter := 99 ; FCanSing := true ; end; function TBottlesSinger.EvalS: String; var res : string ; begin res := 's' ; if FCounter = 1 then res := '' ; result := res ; end; procedure TBottlesSinger.PrepareLine; var lineForOne, lineForMore, lineForNone: String ; begin lineForMore := inttostr(Counter) + ' bottles of beer on the wall, ' + inttostr(Counter) + ' bottles of beer.' + CRLF + 'Take one down and pass it around, ' + inttostr(Counter-1) + ' bottle' + EvalS + ' of beer on the wall.' + CRLF ; lineForOne := '1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.' + CRLF + 'Take one down and pass it around,' + ' no more bottles of beer on the wall.' + CRLF ; lineForNone := 'No more bottle of beer on the wall,' + ' no more bottles of beer.' + CRLF + 'Go to the store and buy some more,' + ' 99 bottles of beer on the wall.' + CRLF ; case Counter of 1 : begin FLine := lineForOne ; Counter := Counter-1 ; end ; 0 : begin FLine := lineForNone ; FCanSing := false ; end ; else begin FLine := lineForMore ; Counter := Counter-1 ; end ; end ; {case} end; procedure TBottlesSinger.SetCounter(aValue: integer); begin FCounter := aValue ; end; function TBottlesSinger.Sing: String; begin PrepareLine ; result := Line ; end; end. // ---- end of file Singers.pas ---- // ---- file Bottles.dpr ---- program Bottles; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Singers in 'Singers.pas'; var Singer: ISinger ; begin Singer := TBottlesSinger.Create ; While Singer.CanSing do WriteLn(Singer.Sing) ; FreeAndNil(Singer) ; end. // ---- end of file Bottles.dpr
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Alternative Versions
Version | Author | Date | Comments | Rate |
Recursive version | Juan Carlos Molinos | 01/12/06 | 2 | |
standard version | Anonymous | 04/20/05 | 4 | |
OO Simple version (not using Interfaces) | Luis Carlos F. Dias | 09/04/05 | 0 | |
NonVCL version | Philipp Winterberg | 04/20/05 | 0 | |
OO version (with interface) | Luis Carlos F. Dias | 09/05/05 | 0 |
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Marco said on 12/06/05 13:40:23
A lot of code...
PeterS said on 01/11/06 14:39:07
Since Singer is an interface it should not be freed at the end possibly set to nil but that's not really needed either.
Boubalou said on 01/11/06 19:29:03
Actually, Delphi isnt a language... Pascal is the language used by Delphi's IDE.
Luis Carlos F. Dias said on 01/13/06 02:51:04
Indeed, it's not necessary neither useful to call FreeAndNil over an interface. This call is present only by a careless copy/paste done over OO simple version (not using interfaces) and even in this case it's there only to show library features.
My goal here was to put as many Object Pascal/Delphi features as I could and by the way, Object Pascal is a language and Delphi is an IDE that uses Object Pascal.
slieka said on 06/06/06 23:08:21
you can get the same result by this code
program Bottles;
while i > 0 do
writeln(inttostr(i) + ' bottles of beer on the wall,' + inttostr(i) + ' bottles of beer.');
writeln('Take one down and pass it around, ' + inttostr(i-1) + ' bottle' + ' of beer on the wall.');
i := i -1;
writeln('No more bottle of beer on the wall,' + ' no more bottles of beer.' );
writeln('Go to the store and buy some more,' + ' 99 bottles of beer on the wall.');
Luis Carlos F. Dias said on 06/07/06 04:03:19
Yes, Slieka, it's true: you can get the same result using the code you wrote. That's why there are different versions - the "standard version" which is like yours, and this "OO Version", which is not. The aim here is not to write the song in the simplest way, but to show Object Pascal/Delphi features like Objects, Inheritance, Interfaces, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and so on.
Rodrigo E. Nunes said on 05/08/07 23:33:45
Since Delphi 7, the language name is Delphi, no more Object Pascal.
Luis Carlos F. Dias said on 05/15/07 01:43:24
Yes, Rodrigo, since Delphi 7 the language is referred to as Delphi Language.
Kai Olav Fredriksen said on 01/08/09 14:10:17
As PeterS says - don't free the interface. And const the string in "procedure TAbstractSinger.SetLine(aLine: String);
FLine := aLine ;
-> TAbstractSinger.SetLine(const aLine: String);