The Team

Oliver Schade

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Oliver Schade works as European IT Project Manager for eBay International AG in Berlin. Main interests lie in ancient software, ancient programming languages and computer technology, movies, whisky and his wife & baby... Besides ancient technology Oliver uses Linux since Nov. 1992 and loves huge IT solutions like storage with TBytes, 64-node-clusters running Linux and VMWare ESX clusters.

Contact: <0x4e0x6c0x6c0x69[©]0100111101010011b[dot]de> (expect very slow answers)

Gregor Scheithauer

Picture of Gregor Scheithauer Gregor Scheithauer studies Business Information Systems in Bamberg with the emphasis of the business process modelling and the mobile & distributed application systems. His interests lie in programming, especially Web-based business applications based on J2EE and designing with HTML & CSS.

Contact: gs©

Stefan Scheler

Picture of Stefan Scheler Stefan Scheler studied Computer Science with a minor in Medical Computer Science at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany. His interests are primarily focused on the development of distributed and operating systems, especially in the context of IT security. Stefan previously worked for SUSE Linux and is currently writing his diploma thesis on profiling in microkernel architectures.

Contact: <sts[at]99-bottles-of-beer[dot]net>
Status: inactive